
Cartoon of the day

Did you kill a Palestinian child today?

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Cartoon of the day

The Israeli atrocity

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Cartoon of the day

Genocides in GAZA

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Cartoon of the day


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Cartoon of the day

Hello world!

What’s the human cost in Gaza that will finally satisfy the international community? Why do I find myself having to…

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Cartoon of the day

No escape!

Criminals will be followed by the specter of bloodshed.

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Cartoon of the day


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Cartoon of the day

An army of human animals

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Cartoon of the day

غزة العزة

” إنه لا يودع، إنه يتوعد، ما تروه في عينه ليس انكساراً بل كان غضباً “ هذا ما ستحصده “إسرائيل”…

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Cartoon of the day

Israeli Gagng Killed 400 Palestinian

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